Saturday, May 15, 2010

A-Joy... of the many "love" names we call our baby girl. Not just an abbreviation of her name, but an accurate description of who she is...a joy.

We celebrated the 4 month milestone on the 12th. I find myself holding her and wanting to freeze the moment in time. With news of friends who have lost their baby all too soon, I am reminded not to take one second for granted. There is no room to complain about sleepless nights and explosive diapers...only thankfulness for the 124 days or so I've had with her.

She has so much personality and is clearly a girl...she coos and babbles and squeak/yells like she really has something to say!

Here's a little video of a convo we had the other day

Seems like overnight she has went from helpless infant to lively baby!

Here's some random facts about Audrey at 4 months:

-sleeping thru the night on a consistent basis (7-8 hrs..PRAISE GOD!)

-nicknames: A-Joy, chubba wubba, fuzzy head, baby, peanut, droolie...just to name a few. :)

-rolling over (tummy to back AND back to tummy)...the other day i had placed her on her tummy on the middle of this blanket (made by my dear friend, Kim) and she had rolled herself completely off of it!

-likes to watch Little Einstein: Farm Friends or Meet the Orchestra

-Has the prettiest blue eyes and long eyelashes (yes, I know I'm biased)

-starting to teethe (not so fun) :/

-smiling, giggling, and flirting are her favorite pastimes :)

-totally love, love, LOVES her daddy...she clearly recognizes him when he comes home from work now. :)

-really enjoys music...especially if her favorite person is playing it for her.

-likes when mommy sings "I love you Lord" and the chorus to Justin Bieber's "Baby" (yes, I know that song. Don't's quite catchy)

There is so much more that makes up the wonderfullness that is our little lady. Just wanted to jot down a few things for memory's sake. What an amazing gift it is to watch her grow.

Friday, May 14, 2010

heeellllllllooooo blog world!

I've seriously attempted to write atleast five posts in the past month. Much on my heart and memories made that I'd love to document on here. I start typing a post and never seem to be able to finish it. I think the problem is that I'm being too particular about this blogging thing...worrying about how it sounds/looks/flows etc. I need to just DO IT! lol.

Well for those who may be reading this, I hope you are having a wonderful friday! It is absolutely BE-AU-TI-FUL here in Oregon land...finally! :)

There is movie theatre within walking distance from my apartment so us Cook ladies are going to take a stroll over to see "Letters to Juliet." Super excited! I'm such a sucker for a sappy love story. ;) Hoping baby girl and little Oliver (my new little adorable nephew) will peacefully nap during the show. Wish us luck!

p.s. priceless picture of the day...