Ryan got home from work today and I reminded him that it was Audrey's 6 month birthday. He proceeds to have a conversation with her in the midst of giving her the usual after work kisses and cuddles. He says... " So this is what you're like at half a year old! I was wondering!" So I ask what he means and he goes on to say that when she was born, he was thinking about what she would be like in 6 months. Daddy tells his girl, "you have much more personality than I thought you would!"
I couldn't agree more! 6 months ago, I was holding this brand new baby that did little more than eat, sleep, and poop. And with each passing day, little bits of her personality are being revealed. She's a talker for sure and has some facial expressions that just stop us in our tracks, leaving us wondering where she gets them from and what is going on in that pretty little brain of hers. :)
I feel like the word "amazing" is overused. But there's really no other word to describe watching your child grow and discover who they are.
I've told a few people now, rather, I've asked a few people if they can relate....sometimes I look at my child and there is such a familiarity about her. As if I've known her for years. I don't know if it's just that she phyically has some of my features or if it's because I spend 24/7 with her.... I don't know what it is. Any other moms of little ones know what I'm talking about?
Must be how God looks at us as His creation: made in His likeness, knew us before time, and loves us in our childlike state just for who we are.
I totally know what you mean!! Its like the cliche, "I don't remember what life was like before you were here," or "life is so much better with you around." lol I love it... :) I feel like I have always known her.